Archive for February 2009
14 Tribute to My Late Grandfather
Henry uses the amazing creativity of After Effects to compile an endlessly compelling video presentation in which he pays tribute to his grandfather Tatu Mwabila Casmire [btnsx id=”1536″] [btnsx id=”506″ link_type=”url” link=”/download//?wpdmdl=1414&masterkey=5db17e22c5ca4] [btnsx id=”914″ link_type=”url” link=”/download//?wpdmdl=1273&masterkey=5dcbdd21ee927″]
Read More12 Satellite Navigation System in After Effects
Design AND animate a very detailed Satellite Navigation Animation using the power of After Effects [btnsx id=”1536″] [btnsx id=”1657″ link_type=”url” link=”/download//?wpdmdl=1416&masterkey=5db17e22c5ca4″] [btnsx id=”1658″ link_type=”url” link=”/download//?wpdmdl=1417&masterkey=5db17e22c5ca4″] [btnsx id=”914″ link_type=”url” link=”/download//?wpdmdl=1277&masterkey=5dcbdcb13fd84″]
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